Monday, July 15, 2013


"Listen with ears of tolerance.
See through the eyes of compassion.
Speak with the language of love.."



Monday, July 8, 2013


 Being honest is really a tough stuff on  modern day world. We generally prefer to lie or not to tell the whole truth and this constitute a negative karma for us.

Is it really so hard to tell always the truth?

If we have to face with the new karmas due to fear of telling the truth at the end, why facing with the fear of getting responses would be so hard  at the beginning?

When you lie about something, you have to support with the other lies and this circle becomes bigger from the  beginning stage, it only helps getting you stuck to  the karma  stronger . Finally you will have an exam related to your lovely ones at the end, especially who you are totally sure with.

WHAT GOES AROUND YOU, COMES BACK AROUND YOU.. It is the most common rule of "karma".

No need to lie, belive me..If you want  to meet "honesty", first be honest to you then be honest around you..

You may explain your situtaion directly and may be met with tolerance, it is an option. When you lie, nobody respects to you no matter what the situation is..

                                                               LOVE YOU ALL!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Colour Splash!

Colours can transform your life in a better way , even more you can heal your health by using effects of proper colours .

Think about your disase, where did it occur? I mean, which chakra is related to the area of your disease_?

For instance; if you have a problem with your stomach ,take advantage of "yellow "colour .. Look at yellow things, wear yellow clothes or yellow accessories ..etc.  You will be possitvely effected by the vibration  of yellow colour, TRY IT!


Quote of the day..

Thursday, June 27, 2013


I am not the girl you see in the photo but I really wish to be there and be alone near the seaside, lying on the hot sand and the sun shines above me... :)  All hodgepodge would stay out of me ..

I like being alone and focus on my own peace . We collect all kind of daily garbage in our brains and then try to get rid of their effects . Using relaxion techniques, such as breathing, creates your imaginary beach for you :) I mean ,we don't always have a chance to find silence and peaceful places to go while we are working during all week and 8 hours a day. We should keep our inner peace  against all negative conditions and make ourselves relax .

Breathing techniques are so helpful to renovate your health, thoughts, increase your power to take your stress level under control during the day.

I started to use these techniques after meeting with the yoga master Mr. Akif MANAF. I had read some  books about yoga and breathing, but after I bought a DVD of his breathing techniques I actually started to practice them.

You may find many instructors/masters about these techniques and have a chance to try it!

Beyond all, if you do your breathing within  healthy conditions, be thankful for it ;)