Thursday, June 27, 2013


I am not the girl you see in the photo but I really wish to be there and be alone near the seaside, lying on the hot sand and the sun shines above me... :)  All hodgepodge would stay out of me ..

I like being alone and focus on my own peace . We collect all kind of daily garbage in our brains and then try to get rid of their effects . Using relaxion techniques, such as breathing, creates your imaginary beach for you :) I mean ,we don't always have a chance to find silence and peaceful places to go while we are working during all week and 8 hours a day. We should keep our inner peace  against all negative conditions and make ourselves relax .

Breathing techniques are so helpful to renovate your health, thoughts, increase your power to take your stress level under control during the day.

I started to use these techniques after meeting with the yoga master Mr. Akif MANAF. I had read some  books about yoga and breathing, but after I bought a DVD of his breathing techniques I actually started to practice them.

You may find many instructors/masters about these techniques and have a chance to try it!

Beyond all, if you do your breathing within  healthy conditions, be thankful for it ;)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Quote of the day..



Happiness is not a result, it is a choice..  We can not gain anything by feeling hatred,regret,worry,anger or cupidity.. We should learn how to deal with these emotions under bad circumstances .

There is another thing I have to mention.Please don't let people confuse you when you decide to walk on your own way. Their opinions are their life lessons, let them go to apply their advices to their own circumstances. 

Remember that there are no absolute truth and truths are  relative even more subjective values which are formed   according to differences in perception and consideration. Trust your own truths that are configured by your experiences and your inner voice.

People tend to complicate their own lives as if living weren't already complicated enough .


Monday, June 24, 2013

Affirmation of the day ..

"I choose love, joy and freedom. when I am honest with my true emotions and let my inner light shine I open my heart and allow wonderful things to flow into my life. When I belive in myself, so do others. I trust in process of life."


Jessica's Daily Affirmation :)

I like kids sooo much . Watching their acts and reactions teaches me many things that I have never realized before.

They are so transparent about reflecting their emotions and their emotions are mostly  formed by their  parents. You may have an idea about their families just by observing them for a while.

That's why being a consious and sensible parent with full of love is so important for the good of next generation.

When I watch this video,  I feel like full of hope for the future  due to next generation who are  formed by  awesome parents with love and positive energy.

                                              LOVE YOU ALL!

Friday, June 21, 2013


   I like this photo sooo much and it always  makes me laugh a lot :))!


Accept people for who  they are.

We should not try or hope to change their personalities, attitudes, opinions.. etc.. 

Every person comes into your life for a reason. 

Think of it.  

People are like mirrors for each other and have duties which should be experienced by us . When we find it , we  feel better and thank to him/her for acting a role  in our play. Also we are the players of their life scene  for getting the lesson to reach the highest good  by this way. If you push them to change their personalities , you interfere their mission and make their shortest way longer to reach their goal.

Did you aware of the mutual loss?

All you can do is changing your attitude if  you  are not satisfied with the conditions.

Accept people as they are and change your reaction with absolute love ;) Due to your change, the conditions will also change. As conditions change, people's attitudes will change ,either.

As Mahatma Gandhi says;

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

We hope to change people's mind and would like to be satistied with  the behaviours as we wish to see. If this condition does not occurs then we feel upset / angry/ sad ... etc. 

When your happines depends on someone or some conditions, you loss in the end.

As I always say , break your chains and let you free from desires . Forgive people who refuse your personality and force you to change   and  avoid doing the same mistake to the others.

                                                                  LOVE YOU ALL!

                        P.S. : HAVE FUN;) !

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We have a watsapp group with my closest friends for sharing daily news for ourselves. Yesterday one them shared her instant emotion by messaging and tried to find what was the matter with her. My friend is beautiful, 30 years old lawyer and single by the way .After meeting with a pregnant friend on the street, she confused because of being happy for her friend's happiness and melancholic for herself at the same time and couldn't understand why this kind of complication occured.

 :) just kidding!

As you know, the best part is being aware of negative emotions. Confessing your real thoughts/ feelings is a big step and helps you for  having fast develop to solve the problem out.

We all shared our opinions at the group and mostly she read "Don't be panic, it is so undestandable. You want to be a mother , too. Just focus on happiness that you felt for her, it helps to increase your positive energy! " 

There would be so many reasons which make you confused like this. We all want somenthing that we don't own and sometimes we really may not have a chance to own it ,either. At this point ,I have to say that "please don't get your positive energy, your happiness , your self-confidence down by comparing your life  with  the other 's ."It 's not just  wasting your time but also harmful for you.

The only thing that you should focus on is you and your life.

Always start with remembering things that you are satisifed.

What do you have? (basically I thank for breathe- in and breathe- out in a good health conditons everyday , I know there are so many people can not do this basic need easily)

Be thankful.

If you have wishes , make  plans towards  this aim .

If you have plans, take a step for it and do your best consistently.

There is two result ;

1- You win and get what you wish for. CONGRATS :) If you are ready and your wish is proper for your highest favor , of course the  result will be success , no doubt!

2- Still waiting for the result that you wish for. I think the best thing we can do is LETting GO and LETting GOD!

(You may say Let Universe,Let Buddha,Let if flow.. It doesn't matter, but don't insist on the subject and don't feed negative emotions like "jealousy" )

Everything happens for a good reason for us,

It may not be seen obviously at the beginning but after a while we  have a chance to see the whole puzzle and  thank for it . We are student at our lives to find our lessons and pass the exams. Being patient and being thankful are like keys, save your keys in your lifetime!

On the other hand, being happy with someone's jealousy on you may be support your arrogance.It is also not an usefull energy for you . Proud of yourself ,love people unconditionaly and let them free by thinking of their highest good.

What you sow is what you reap!

When we learn being happy is not just related with having good relations, million dollars, long legs without cellulite, open-top car... When we learn being happy starts with "us" and continues until "we" die without any variables.. We  will have to say goodbye to some closest feelings , not closest friends ;)


Tuesday, June 18, 2013


If you really  want to do something  bad to yourself, "continue to complain"!

If you really want to do the worst, " listen to the other's complaints"!

You  suppose that you are a good friend,good family member,good worker,..etc., when you listen somebody's complaints and support them for their opinions.


Maybe you are the best for them, but actually the worst for yourself. It is the ugly truth!

Complaining is a mask that tells us "you don't have enough power to change the situation as you wish and you feel freak out about your impotence."  We choose to hide our feelings like "inadequacy" by talking too much about the undesirable situations.We talk and show our reaction to other people ,by this way we hide our "real" emotion (it is mostly  "fear" of something).

After seeing all complains are hiding a secret emotion behind them, I started to control myself and stopped to listen to other's complaints.

My complaint reminds me there is a  negative emotion still waiting for letting go and I thank to my feeling  to show itself by this way. On the other hand, other people's problems/complaints are not my business unless they ask for help .


It seems a little bit selfishly but this "STOP" motion aims to protect yourself  from negative energy and helps for starting a new conversation with the sentence of " how can I help you :)?"

If you can do anything, do your best for him/her sake, 

but if you can't, let her/him free..

You don't have to carry other's luggage with you,


Starting point is you..

Find your "real" emotions hides behind that complaint and let it go with unconditional love and confidence .

  Just take a step and do your best for your problem.

 Do not allow yourself fedding by negative situations , it only supports thoughts as you are a victim .

  Remind yourself feeling like a victim is the wrongest way to reach happiness .

at the weekend I had a 11 hours bus trip and had to hear lots of complaints about the driver,the bus,the tea,the road,the seat ,the passengers,the baby......lots of.. I wore my headphone and listen to the music instead of join them ..

As the serenity prayer's said;

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.


Friday, June 14, 2013

What happens if ... ?

Do you listen to your body?

What does she/he say to you ,"sentences" masked with some kind of symptoms or serious illnesses?

After I read the book of  Louise L.Hay the author of Heal Your Body, I started to collect clues about metaphysical causes of disease and illnesses .

Similarly ,a Turkish doctor  wrote a book on the same subject  and also read that book .I advice you read this book if you can find the English version .

Both two books points to the same thing.

It's is hard to understand but we create illnesses .

No matter what your DNA says, the result shapes with your choice.

Yoga, Reiki, breathing exercises or some other methods help us  for letting go the negative emotions free with unconditional love and forgiveness  .

look at you, what kind of complaints you have?

look at the drawing above, to which area your body points out and aware of the emotions you keep it with you all the time.

the simplest way of getting rid of this harmful emotions  starts with "Yes, you are there I know but I let you free with love , I forgive myself and I choose being healty ,thanks for reminded me "myself", I love me!"

You will suprise when you start to examine illnesses and the metaphysical reasons cause to them.

Study your lesson, do your self-criticism but not jugde yourself!

Past should be stay in the past..

...and the future we can not guess what will bring us..

the only we have is


Thanks God for all experiences that you pushed me in:)


P.S.: Whenever you drink water, say "Thank you!"or "I love you" and feel the miracle on your health.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yesterday my best friend married.It was such a crazy and happy day. I wish them lovely  & happy & healthy life forever & together !

Before the wedding ceremony we "bridemaids" came together and talked about our past , our friendship . There are so many memories we remembered from the year of 1995 until now with  lots of cries and laughs together. We realized that most of our memories were about the guys and love sick situations :)) We drank so many Turkish coffee together and tried to read our fortune after all break-ups ..(it is like a tradition for us, all conversations ends with Turkish Coffe fortune telling :) Talking with best friends like going a psychologist , it always makes me relax and during negotiations I see the different views of the subject that helps me reach the solution instead of stuck in my own reality..

I did Reiki-2 to the bride's and bridemaids' favor with praying for their highest good .  One of my friend especially requested me to do Reiki-1 for her. When I checked her chakras, I realized a blokage on her  heart chakra and asked her if there is somebody who she hasn't forgiven yet . You may think of course you may guess this while you are close friends. she has a relationship now but the heartbreaker is from the past, far away past. She couldn't let him go although they are already seperate and worst she doesn't seem like willing to let him go .


Why she is still mad at him after 7 years?
Why she hasn't forgiven him  yet?
How is she affected by not to let him go from her heart?


There are so many people who think that forgiveness is a kind of weakness.. If you forgive someone you don't want to see him/her sad  or addicted to you again. When you realize it  , you give up peaceful way and continue to hope & pray bad things would  may happen to him/her   and you gain your EGO again by this way.

Such a bad  cliche ..

Your hopes like a boomerang , never forget it!

What you hope for other people, it comes back to you at any time you don't expect..

You shoud know that the universe always works for your highest good, take your lesson and move on..

If you fail to get your lesson , your exam will last until you success it.

That's why people ask "why I always experience the same things ,  bad guys /girls always find me ,  all my relations ends with like that..( look at you , your life is your choice and your responsibilities , never blame anybody because of bad endings, YOU LET HIM/HER to do what he/she prefers to do to you..)

START with;







When you love something unconditionally , you will feel more free and happy you have never felt before..




..although they hurt you indeed..


..they might be happened due to gain your  "life" lessons.. Find your lesson following the hidden clues as  repated events in your life  to get rid of them forever..



but it is hard to guess sometimes, what is the best for you? 

so again,



                          If you would like to get a support from healing materials for your heart chackra;

                                         GREEN and PINK colours are good for you.

              may wear these colours or you may wear colourful accessories .

                                                  and  PINK QUARTZ is the best

                      ..without any metal ,carry it with you but it should be touch at your skin also ..

              Some people use EFT methods to get rid out  addicted emotions, it may be helpful ;

         There are so  many videos you can find in Youtube, I shared one of them , it 's really funny :))

Writing letters (don't send them, it is just share your emotions with yourself :) and punching pillows may help you to take you angry out. Don't supress negative emotions, they really cause bad effects not just on your soul but on your body .

All physical illnesses starts with negative suppressed emotions ,I will touch on this subject later.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Greetings from the author :)

Hi Everyone!

I briefly  tried to describe myself as you can  read on the right side of the page with the title of 

"Who is Cocogino?".. 

Does it really matter who I am ? I guess NO, the ideas are over people. 


If I may ,I just want to add one thing about me.

I graduated as a civil engineer but  infact the most important lesson I've learned from my undergraduate education is;

 "understand  problem clearly, ask  true questions to see the hint, solution is the easiest part "!

This "one sentence " helped me so much, I wish you find the key which will open the doors for you..

Bye for now..